Project B- Haunted House

Props Moodboard
Scene Moodboard
Lighting Moodboard Billy

This is the mood boards that i have made for our team project on the planning stages of the project which is for the Style, Environment and the props that are going to be used for when we get to the practical stage of the project. Also as i had to swap rooms with one of my team members as we didn’t do the starting part correctly so now i have to do a kitchen instead of a dining room. Now i have chosen this so now i have a good understanding of what i am doing with these mood boards as the lighting i still kept the same as it will still only have the lighting so i didn’t have to change anything to the lighting mood boards also when it came to the prop mood board which is what i will be adding into my scene as i had to add some parts that i needed to add into my scene so i had to add some changes when it came to the props mood board.

Block out Screenshot

This is a block out screenshot which i have started for what one of the rooms will look like as we haven’t started modelling so what we have to do is to block out the scene which for the room ill be making which is the Kitchen also to make sure that it is in the same scale so that when it comes to bringing the rooms together, then it will look like the same building. Also means that we cant edit the size of the models within the house.

Block out Screenshot

This is now the finished part of my block out which i have just made some of the assets so that i know where i can set up the models for when i go onto the modelling stage, as with the circumstances that i have had to change rooms with one of my team members so now that i have to do a kitchen which meant that i had to do my block out which i have placed the same assets that i was planning on doing but i have added a oven to where i plan to put it when it comes to actually modelling the assets and vice versa for the other assets.

Modelling Process

Asset For Scene

This is one of my assets that i have done in Maya which is the candle holder that i will need for my scene which i have done from a simple shape then just developed it during time so that it can resemble the reference that i have picked for when i’m doing the modelling stage which is the stage that i am on at the moment also as ill be doing the assets one at a time so that when i bring up my designated room that i’m making then i can just add the assets to how i have structured into the scene as i have done with the block out.

Table Asset

Table Asset 2 This is another one of my assets that i have made in Maya which is for apart of my scene which is one of the main part which is the table for my scene which is the kitchen as i found this one quite difficult as i tried the technique i did for my last asset for when i made it from a simple shape then just developed but this time for the legs of the table i used different shapes for parts of the legs then you have to combine first the objects then you’ll be able to then target wield them together.

Candle Asset

Candle Asset 2

This is another one of my assets that i have created which is for my scene which is the kitchen part of the haunted which i just used a simple shape like i did with the first asset then i just expanded on it such as the top of the model i just used vertex then moved the vertex up then i extruded that part of the model which then offset so that it could create the wick of the candle also then extruded that part which was then just a little bit too big so then i just resized the part that’s supposed to be the wick of the candle.

Asset Checklist

Chairs Asset

Chair Asset 2

Chair Asset 3

This is another one of my assets which is for my scene and its a part of the main part of the kitchen which is the scene that i am doing as it will be a part of the table as you would need chairs generally as i made this in separate parts such as the legs of the chair, the support of the chair and others. as i just made the legs of the chair by using multi cut tool so i can add the detail into the legs from reference and then just had to scale it. Also when i was doing the support of the chair i had to extrude it first then i deleted the faces so that it can be separate so that i could resize the support of the chairs to scale.

Asset Checklist 2

Door Asset

Door Asset 2

This is another one of my assets i have completed which is for my scene as i am doing the kitchen part of the scene and i did by just getting a cube into Maya then putting it into scale from the reference also for the panels of the door i used the multi cut tool so that i could get a base for my door then i added the faces so that i could extrude and offset to make it look like it has panels so that it would have an base for the door also when it came to making the door handle i just used the sphere shape so that i could use a part of the sphere so i can just extrude it to get the shape then i just scaled it so that i can be on the door.

Asset Checklist 3

Oven Asset

Kitchen Side Model

This is a model that i have made for my scene which is a kitchen side as this is what would be used in a kitchen back in the Victorian and i have made this as my scene is based in a kitchen so that it would need the essentials of a kitchen such as a kitchen side and etc.

Candle Asset UVs

These are one of my UV’s for one of my assets i have created which is the candle which will be used as another part of one of my other assets i have created as when i was creating the UV’s I had to stitch the UV’s together so that i could show that it is all in one piece as it was all separate pieces which would make it confusing as to know which pieces are which.

Candle Holder UVs

This is another one of my UV’d assets which is the candle holder which will have the candle asset that i have made with it as i have made model pretty detailed when modelling which meant when it came to the UVing it meant that they would so many pieces that i would have to add to the UV sheet so that i can add onto one that is needed.

Chair Asset UVs

This is another one of my UV’d assets which is for chairs which will be apart of the table for my scene as when i was modelling my chair asset i had to put detail into it as our style is realistic so i had to make it similar to the reference i have for the modelling stage which meant when it came to the UVing part i knew they would be a lot of separate parts to the model as i tried to add the detail that was from the reference as best as i could.

Door Asset UVs

This is another one of my UV’d assets which is for the doorway of the scene as the style of the scene is realistic so again i had to find a reference so i could try and make it to scale which i did try to make it to scale to the reference as best as i could also which meant then they’ll be less parts as UV’s as it was made from a cube which was put into the scale of the reference as it was just made as one part so that’s why their is less parts then some of the other UV’d assets.

Chair Asset UVs

This is another one of my UV’d assets which is a table which is what i need for my scene as its one of the main assets for my scene also when i was doing the modelling stage as i had to use a reference to model from as the style for our assets is realistic but as i did my model in a few parts such as for the legs. Which means that they’re is so many bits and parts when it came to UVing the table asset.

Kitchen Side UVs

This is an UV sheet of my asset that i have for my made model which is for my kitchen side asset which i had to as i was going to do an Victorian oven but then time issues effected it so i had to made a last resort which was the kitchen top which thankfully didn’t take that long so hopefully i can successfully move onto the next part of the project.

Trello Modelling Progress

Trello Progress

Trello Progress 2

This is the progress i am up to for my project as i am now onto texturing stage of the project as i have modeled and UV’d my assets that i have needed for my scene as they’re is only a week until the hand in of the project which means that i will have to use my time wisely if i want to get this done and handed in on time. As i’ll do the best i can so that i can move onto the tasks that i should have been on sooner.

Table Texture Sheet

Table Final Texture

This is one of my textures for one of my assets which is for my scene as i have done this in substance painter which i have done the table asset first as its the biggest asset that i have modeled so that i can start with big one as its only a week left till we have to hand in this project so i decided to start texturing the biggest asset that i have made so it can make have more time with texturing the other assets.

Trello Texturing Progress

This is where i am at with the texturing stage of the project as i just need to texture more assets that i have modeled which i will try to get done as best as i can as i only have a week until i have to hand in for this project.

Candle Asset Texture sheet

Candle Texture

This is another one of my textures for my asset that i have modeled which is for my scene which is a candle which is an asset that i need to use for the later as it will be for the lighting stage of the project as to the create the atmosphere for the scene which will be used for candle light also as i’m now working onto finishing the texturing part of the project so i can be on time for hand in which is in a week. Also i have the texture sheet to show if the material from substance has gone onto the UV’s successfully or not.

Texturing Progress

Candle Holder Texture Sheet

Candle Holder Texture

This is an another texture i have done for my one of my models that i have created which is for my scene as it is a candle holder which is for the candle asset as it would be used so that it would be onto the table also so that it can show the light which will be candle so that it can fit the aesthetic of the scene that i am trying to create also to create the atmosphere as it is based on a haunted house so that means that it will more dark so meaning their would less light then usual.

Trello Texturing Progress 2

Chair Asset Texture Sheet

Chair Asset Texture

This is an texture that i have done for one of my models which is for the chairs which will apart of my scene as it for the table asset that i have also made. Also as it for the room that it is based on which is the kitchen part of the environment so when i put the models into the room that needed to be added into then ill have to add the table and chairs when adding the assets i have made onto my scene.

Trello Texturing Progress 3

Door Asset Texture sheet

Door Asset Texture

This is the final texture i have created for my scene which is the door that it is needed for the scene as it will then complete the scene that i needed to finish also as the part of the scene i have had the scene which has two doors and they’re both single doors so now i can move onto the lighting stage of the project which i will try to finish before the deadline which is this Friday.

Trello Texturing Progress 4

This is where i am at with the texturing stage but now that i need something else i need to do which i hope won’t take too long as the deadline for this project is very fast approaching within a few days so ill need to complete it as fast as i can.

Kitchen Side Texture Sheet

Kitchen Side Texture

This is an Textured asset that has been made by using substance painter which is for my scene which is a kitchen so for this asset i made was a kitchen side which is an essential part of a kitchen as well for the theme as it is based in Victorian times as i was going to model a Victorian oven but it was my bad as i didn’t keep the time properly so I’ve had to model a kitchen side which thankfully didn’t take that long.

Trello Texturing Progress 5