Project A- Urban Environment

Project Proposal

The location that I will start with my project will be New York which will be set in the 20th century. Also the backstory of the project will be set in the modern day and it will be based on the Zodiac killer as which the scene will be based on one of the victims of the Zodiac killer as police arrive on the scene which has been found in an alley as detective Roy Carr wants answers to everyone’s disbelief. Also I will need to start to make two or more moodboards to show the examples of alley ways in new York and the props that I will be doing for my scene. Also as for the backstory which I will create an alley environment when one of the zodiac killers victims is found also as I think he has an very intriguing back story as he has never been identified so I think that it would be an interesting idea also his span of victims happened during the 20th century but what if he came back or is it a copycat?. I’ll be basing my scene on the aftermath of the incident which I will include the props of a lamp post, trash can and vents and add crime scene tape which will show the aftermath and police arriving onto the scene also adding to the alley way scene such as fire escape and other parts to the alley way that were a part of the 21st century also as I was thinking of adding in more minor details such as adding blood onto the trash can as it will be based on a crime scene and adding crime scene tape to show what type of situation this is.

Sound Effects

The sounds effects that will be in my scene will be police sirens as to show that the police are arriving at the scene of the crime also the other sound effect that I will add onto my project will be the sound of conversations as people will be surrounded the crime scene as they will want to know what’s going on which is an non-diegetic sound. Also the differences between non-diegetic and diegetic is that when diegetic is actual sound that will be on screen as an example of this would be dialogue between either characters or footsteps and as for non-diegetic is a sound that is not on screen which will be needed the sound to be added in. Examples of Non-diegetic sounds are sound effects or narration/voice over whereas the examples of diegetic sounds are object sounds or the character dialogue which means that it will be easily be into your scene.

Police sirens-

Crowd speaking-


Ethical and Legal Considerations

For my project I will making one of models which is a poster but I’ll think of the loyalty free when I’m making my research for what posters look like during the time setting I’m doing so I’ll have to be careful when doing this as it could be classed as copyrighted material. Also when I’m looking for my textures for my models I will be using substance share which have textures that are free to use but as long I don’t claim the ownership of the textures then it will be alright to use this material.

When this comes to the legal considerations you will have to think about the your target audience as if you want a kid friendly audience then you are responsible for what you add to any kind of media so that it can be right for the specific audience you’re trying to target. Also as for the ethical considerations I will have to think about the gender orientation as I’ll have to make the story so that it appeals to male and female as you have to make sure that you appeal to each gender demographic so that it can appeal to both set of genders. Also when it comes to the generalization of race you’ll have to be careful as if you put something that isn’t considered as appropriate then you could get into trouble.



Props Moodboard

Location Moodboard.png

Backstory Moodboard

What I have done for my mood boards is that I have created a mood board for the props that will be a part of my scene unless plans change so that I can set the scene for when I start making the environment in Maya which I have also added an mood board for the backstory of what my environment based on so that it can give some context behind my scenes backstory. Which I have added a mood board of what my scene will be a backstreet/alleyway as one of the images could be used as a reference image for when I start to make my environment in Maya so that it can be to scale and to know what to base the environment on.



What i have done for my project is that was to create an urban environment in Maya  which i did an New York alleyway which would have had a backstory which would have been the return of the Zodiac killer if i had better time management on my part when it was coming to creating the scenario for this project which then i didn’t have the time to create so i wish in the future i would have better time management then do as much work as possible and will try to do this in the future also the thing that i did good in was the Maya work which isn’t the best but since then i have improved when it comes to the other projects.