Day 6 PM

What we have done in the afternoon session today what we have done is the research for our assets that we are making for when we make our level and personally I struggled as I couldn’t understand the questions and what to write about those questions but I think I got the hang of it in the end though as I got some help and then I finally understand what I had to write about and say.

Day 6

What we are doing today is that we using unity 2D Game kit so that we can design a level on the game called the explorer which will be taught how the 2D game kit works also to know how to use it when we are designing our own level as I haven’t got any experience as I have never done this before but when I keep using it and looking at videos on the guides of 2D game kit I think I will get the hang of it. Also we are using this 2D game kit as we can play the game in 2D game kit which will be designed to give us inspiration for when we do our final project. But whilst we have done this task we had to wait a really long time just to get the 2D game kit on and to use it.

Day 5

What we are doing in this session today is that we are finishing the rendering of our 2D level which I personally find this difficult and as I think this is the most difficult picture I’ve ever drawn and the thing is it has to be in to an accurate scale which does makes this challenging and personally its really stressful as well as I’m afraid of getting something wrong and having to do it again. as I’ve spent a lot of time on this also I have attempted to finish this which I won’t but I really need to as we only have a couple of weeks left to finish as we have to move on onto asset design now.

Day 4

What I have done to start the day off is to finish one of the research tasks that I didn’t finish off last week and which I have gone onto game mechanic to find the mechanic that is used for the game that I have researched and then I had to write about how the game uses the mechanic while the game is playing and I have now finished this task so now I can move on to next task at hand. But i have Still got one more task that is very much needed to during the day.

Day 3

What we are doing today is that we are researching a 2D platformer level from any game of our choosing that we find and then we have to accurately render the level that we have found and chose to use and the game I have choose is spelunky as it’s a puzzle platformer and ive added the full level to give an idea on what the level looks like when it’s a full one and now I am drawing it out.

Day 2 PM

What I have been doing this afternoon is that I have been on game mechanic explorer which shows the different types of game mechanic for 2D games but what we had to do was to get a screenshot for the mechanic that is used for the games that you have researched which was the previous task also you had find the mechanic used in the actual gameplay and then I just explained how the mechanic works whilst you are playing the game itself.

Day 2


What we are doing today is that we have to research three 2d games so that we get inspiration for when we make our 2d game and the three that I will be choosing are Hotline Miami, Limbo and Worms: open warfare. What I thought of this section of the task is that it was simple enough as we had the research the 2D games that we have played and to talk about the different aspects of it such as the art style and what the game is about in brief also to talk about the 2D Games that we have played as well based on those questions I mentioned previously and I found it some of the questions self-explanatory but some confusing.

Day 1 Blog

Today in lesson, we have started to make our blog and what we used for this service is a website called WordPress and we started to learn how to add things to our blog also to get the hang of the website a bit but when we tried linking to our office 365 account I found it stressful and time consuming and were adding things onto to this website as if we are writing a blog and I have called my blog Prestige Studios Games Development Blog to show my process within the coming weeks. Also when I was adding example of how I add text onto on my blog as I found it confusing at first but then I got the hang of it in the end when I added the example text. Also when I added my theme to my blog I decided to add a simple design as it shows the time of when I wrote the part of the blog and that we had an extension of ones to choose from which were free. The aim of this is to show the development for this project and how we are doing for this project.