Game Analysis


The Simpsons Hit and Run is an open world action adventure game from The Simpsons franchise also as its set in Springfield which this game is inspired by GTA 3 which they added the open world aspect so that you can travel around Springfield also as it is a story driven game with how the mission format works is a lot similar to games that it is inspired by as you have to go to locations people are so that you can get to do the missions which is needed so you can progress during the game.






Analysis 2

Simpsons hit and run is a game that was released on Xbox, PS2, GameCube and PC also with the platforms that the game came out with at the time such as PS2 which had technology limitations especially having standard RAM as with today’s technology it is a lot better than it was back then. Also another limitation of this was the resolution as it wasn’t at 4 frames per second as it is now which made it had limitations also when it came to graphics. When it came to the sales of the game it was very good and it was critically acclaimed to be very good game which holds till this day as it has become a cult classic among people that have played the game. What i could do with new technology to make the new game is that i can make a lot more detail when it comes to game as it has a lot more that you can use unlike when the first game when it had a lot of limitations. But it can affect it, if it was made with modern tech as it could not have the original element that the original had and the other marketing strategies i could use would to promote on social media on sites such as twitter as you see nowadays they use social to promote when a game is close to release.


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