Shoot Em Up Project

Research Task

For this Project i will need to research 8 bit, 16 bit and 32 bit game art and what properties that are held within  game art styles also i need to do this so that i can decide my art style for my game.

8 bit

the first Mega Man 8 bit

Image result for Mega Man 1

This is the first mega man game which is 8 bit as it had limited colours as it would only have the colour blue which is used for the main character of the game and used for the background so that would blend in with what the character would look like. Also this had a very small amount of RAM at the time which was 2kB which means that they were very limited for how they could make this game also it was limited when it came to technology then than it is now as it was released on NES. As the file type of 8 bit would have been PNG.

16 bit

Mortal Kombat 2 16 Bit

Image result for Mortal Kombat II 16 bit

This is Mortal Kombat II which is in 16 bit as at the time the limitations would still be with what colours you would use but with 16 bit it was a lot easier to use a bit more colours than it was if it was 8 bit also as it was start of 16 bit when the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo came out which was advanced at the time also when it came to the technology at the time as it would only take around 64 kB of ram which is an improvement from 8 bit as which means that they can do a little bit more also can add more things to the game.

32 bit

This is the start of 32 bit which is is all in 3D and that based in 3D environments which means that technology is more advanced than it was for 8 bit and 16 bit as they were very limited in what you could do such as when you were using colour as you could only use a certain amount of colour but now as technology is more advanced means that you can use these in more detail also use environments to get the photo realistic look an example of this would be Red Dead Redemption 2.


What i am going to be doing is that i’m making a shoot em’ up Game or shump and I’ve been deciding on the art style for my game and what i’m making as my art style will be pix-elated so that it will be an 16 bit and will look like its been pix-elated and i will be doing this by using some software so that i can make my assets look pixelated as the theme of the game so that it has its own art style.

Task 2

Moodboard of Example Sprites of what my sprite is in game

Sprite Moodboard

Army Asset Sketch

Moodboard of the Background for my game

Background Sketch

Background Moodboard

Unity Game Screenshots

Unity Game Screenshot

How i made the tank assets was in Photoshop and i drew over the picture of the tank then i made them different colours to show which one was the enemy tank and the other one was the player tank.

Unity Game Screenshot 3

How i made the bullet was that it was already in unity asset so i just coded the bullet so that it can shoot when you press a button and i made the explosion by coding it into unity so that it would spawn when the bullet disappears.

Unity Game Screenshot 2

this is where you fire the bullet which i did by coding the bullet so that they can spawn when each one is fired also as i coded movement onto the enemy so that it can able to dodge the players attacks.


How i think i have done on this project is that i have succeeded in some aspects while in others i can improve as for the the certain things that i did well at that i kept to my mechanics of my 2D game as i could as i made it a Top down also another mechanic i added was that the movement was side by side and you can move forward so that it could give the player more of a chance to attack the enemy. Also when i was making my game especially when it came to the coding side i had a lot of errors which meant it was time consuming when i was trying to prevent that mistake from happening again. as i tried to work to my art style which i did this by when i making my assets for my game as my art style was 16 bit which meant i was going to be doing pixelated which means i tried ti make my assets look pixelated as much as i could to make sure it worked for my art style.


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